Outdoor advertising is a form of advertising used to communicate with the general public via mediums like transit posters, highway billboards, wall paintings, etc. Outdoor advertising is very significant to companies because they serve their purpose of brand promotion very well. The ads displayed through outdoor advertising are not only huge, but are also clear and visible to all.
Everything presented to the audience is in a format that helps the viewers make up their mind for purchasing the product or service.
According to Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), businesses spend millions of dollars on outdoor advertising every year. This proves that outdoor traffic is very fruitful for companies and hence will keep on growing.
While the print and newspaper advertising comprises a major part of advertising industry, outdoor advertising is distinctive in its own way. It is one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising today. It just needs you to design a billboard and get it printed. Placing the outdoor ads strategically can guarantee considerable exposure at a very little cost.
The way companies use online advertising greatly varies on the basis of their needs. For instance, food companies like Mc Donald’s make use of highway billboards to grab the attention of their customers and calling them to trying their new products. Similarly, tourism and automobile industries make use of the billboards on highways to promote their tourism plans and latest products.
There are several other forms, apart from the billboards, by which companies can carry out outdoor advertising. Beverage companies, for example, use sporting events to exhibit and promote their products. For instance, Coca Cola sponsored the Fifa World Cup. Other places where you can see outdoor ads are: taxicabs, railways, buses, walls, and subways. These forms of outdoor advertising are very common and highly cost effective