A Human Resource Manager is responsible for Human Resource Management in an organization. A Human Resource Manager or officer administers all human resource activities and policies which involves compensation, benefits, staffing, affirmative action, employee relations, health and safety, and training/development functions along with supervision of professional human resources staff.
Primary responsibilities of the Human Resource Manager:
• Get well versed with corporate culture, plans and policies.
• Act as a change agent, expert, consultant and facilitator.
• Assist in formulation of company’s strategy.
• Maintaining communication between HRD (Human Resource Development) and individuals/ groups both within and outside the organization.
• Identification and development of HRD strategies in accordance with overall business strategy.
• Development and maintenance of work relation between individuals and teams of an organization.
• Achieve the objectives of organization efficiently by relating people with the work.
• Determination and resolution of problems in respect of human resource.
• Co-ordinate and deliver HRD programmes and services.
• Research for evaluation of HRD to identify and test the improvement of individual and performance of the organization.
Difference Between Training And Development
Employee training and development is the core function of human resource management. It ensures continuous skill development through various means of learning so as to obtain quality output from employees.
Training refers to the process of acquiring certain skill set or polishing of existing skill set for attaining higher position. Development means to identify the individual needs, abilities and goals and the organization’s job demands and job rewards through well designed programmes of career development matching abilities with demands and rewards.
Also Read: Training vs Mentoring: Which One Suits You Better?
Employee training methods are categorised into on-job training methods and off job training methods.
- On-the-job training methods: Job rotation, coaching, job instruction, committee assignments, apprenticeship and internship
- Of the job training methods: Classroom lecture method, audiovisual training method, simulation, bistable training, case studies, role playing and the programmed instruction method.