The consumer protection bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on the 40th of July 2019. This bill was especially passed for the rights and duties of the consumers to protect them. The consumer protection act was introduced in the parliament by the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public distribution.
Consumer Protection Act
To know the importance of the consumer protection act, it is essential to know what does it means. The consumer protection act was established in 2019 by minister ministers in the interest of the consumers. The main motive of this act was to resolve inevitable and a large number of pending consumer complaints in the court of consumers from all around the country. Earlier, there was not give rights to the consumers, so this act was passed to provide them their rights and duties to protect the law. Law is equal for everyone. It is rightful to provide the person their specific rights as per the law. The consumer protection act is the most significant way to solve consumer grievances speedily.
What is the specific reason for passing the Consumer Protection Act?
The main aim of passing this act was to solve and protect the rights of the consumers. By establishing and implementing the authorities for timely and effective administration and settlement of consumer disputes, this act succeeded in protecting a person’s life.
The consumer protection act is mainly applicable for the consumers and ensures to provide their rights and duties as per the law and equality. The basic aim of establishing this act was for the consumers who were suffering and not getting their rights. We all know that everyone is equal in the eye of Law. So, this act provides equal rights to preserve the dignity of law and democracy of the world.
Different Rights and Duties of a Consumer
This act was passed to protect consumers from those who try to steal their money or who try to fraud them by making empty claims. Mainly people don’t get exact and appropriate ideas regarding any companies and sometimes they face the problems like a fraud. To ensure their protection, some important rules were made which are required to follow by every business dealers or consumers. If a person buys any goods and avail of any services for resale or commercial purposes, then it is not considered to be the consumers.
Features of the Consumer Protection Act:
There are several incredible features of the consumer protection act.
● Central Consumer Protection Authority:
The main feature of this act is it has the provision of the establishment of the CCPA, which provides access to protect and promote the rights of the consumers. This act established the effective central consumer protection authority, and this is regulated cased which is related to the unfair trade practices. This act provides protection for violation of consumer rights and from misleading advertisements.
The CCPA has the right to impose a penalty on the violators and on passing the order to recall good to withdraw. The team of CCPA will investigate the issues and will not compromise if any consumers are falsely violated.
● Consumer Rights:
The consumer protection act provides six rights to the consumers, which include the following:
- This act provides the right to have information about the quantity and quality of any good. Provide the right to figure out the purity, potency, price, and standards of any services or products.
- This act ensures to provide a rightful way to be protected from any dangerous goods and services which can harm the consumers.
- Provide access to be protected from any unfair or restrictive trade practices.
- Consumers have the right to have a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.
- There are no false rulemaking advertisements.
- Prohibitions and penalties are implemented for any misleading advertisement.
● Establishment of Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission:
One of the major parts of the consumer protection act is that it provides the provision of the establishment of the consumer disputes redressal commissions at the national and state levels. The CDs are also applicable at the district level.
The complaints which the CDRCs will entertain are as follows:
- The consumer protection act allows overcharging or deceptive charging, and this complaint will be entertained by the CDRCs.
- CDCs have the right to consider unfair or restrictive trade practices for the protection of consumers.
- Sales of hazardous goods and services are extremely prohibited as per the act. This is the basic and crucial part, and this act was passed to protect the life of the consumers.
- Sales or defective goods and services are also not allowed. If any consumers face these issues, then this will be managed by the CDC.
If you are wondering to know the exact meaning of consumers or want to know who is the consumers, then you are at the right place. You don’t have to turn down millions of pages in search of information relates to consumers act or consumers. According to the act of Consumer protection, a person or one who availed the services and purchased any goods or products for their self-use are called consumers.
Consumers are important for any businesses or companies, at their whole success is dependent on consumers. Consumers avail themselves of the services from specific businesses or companies. But sometimes, consumers are not given their rights, and most of the consumers have faced the issue of fraud.