There are three levels of human resource management with different roles and functions for each individual manager.
1. Administrative or Top Level of Management: The Top Level Management consists of the Board of Directors (BOD) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The main role of the top level management is summarized as follows:
- Determination of the objectives, policies and plans of the organisation.
- Mobilisation of available resources.
- Administration, planning, organising and decision making.
- Preparation of long-term plans of the organisation which are generally made for 5 to 20 years.
- The top level management has maximum authority and responsibility. They are the top or final authority in the organisation. They are directly responsible to the Shareholders, Government and the General Public. The success or failure of the organisation largely depends on their efficiency and decision making.
- They require more conceptual skills and less technical Skills.
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2. Executive or Middle Level of Management: The Middle Level Management consists of the Departmental Heads (HOD), Branch Managers, and the Junior Executives. The Middle level Management is selected by the Top Level Management for the following responsibilities:
- Giving recommendations and advice to the top level management.
- Execution and implementation of the policies and plans which are made by the top level management.
- Co-ordination of activities of all the departments and communication between top level and low level management.
- Preparation of short-term plans of their departments which are generally made for 1 to 5 years.
- The middle Level Management has limited authority and responsibility.
- Require more managerial and technical skills and less conceptual skills.
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3. Supervisory or Lower Level of Management: The lower level management consists of the Foremen and the Supervisors. They are selected by the middle level management. It is also called Operative / Supervisory level or First Line of Management.The lower level management performs following activities:
- Directing and controlling the employees and motivating them.
- Co-ordinate between workers and middle level management.
- The lower level managers make daily, weekly and monthly plans.
- Responsible for getting productivity from the workers.
- Require more technical and communication skills.
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