There were the days when having a Nokia Mobile Phone was matter of pride and envy of many. The two shaking hands have in fact shook the whole world. With a manufacturing unit in small country like Finland, Nokia had ruled the mobile phone market for a decade.
However, suddenly Nokia started loosing its shine. With the revival of pumped up Steve Jobs who re-introduced Apple company with funds backing from his friend turned foe Bill Gates Nokia started feeling minor jolts in its sales.
Though things started turning for Nokia with advent of touch screen mobiles, Black berry’s BBN messanger and companies like HTC, Samsung and Chinese incursion in mobile market. Even at that time still Nokia was surving. However, with the arrival of Apple’s ios Operating system and smart phones, besides, android operating system the sale dipped and Nokia was pushed to threshold. The biggest competitor Nokia faced was Apple phones. With having major failures in past like machintosh computers failure Apple and Steve Jobbs carved out a very meticulously planned marketing strategy which virtually ruled and even today ruling the world mobile phone market. With mobile phone becoming everything from camera to entertainment device, to internet machine, to office handler or we can say mobile has assumed the role of companion; the Nokia was having very less to offer. Though it tried its hands, but it lacks innovative skills and with arrival of android operating system and cheap manufacturing from China, Nokia was lagging behind in race.
There were the times when Nokia phone was having absolute dominance in the market. But suddenly technology and new innovations pushed Nokia to brinks. Suddenly Nokia just vanished from the scene.
Though it tried to revamp itself. Launched smart phones like Nokia Lumia with window based operating system, but in front of ios and android window phones were an obsolete feature. With having no proper acecsibility and market, the cumbersome windows phones did not go well with customers.
The Nokia in order to survive too jumped into android phone market, but with that sort of pricing better options were available with reputed brands like Samsung and Motorolla who too after initial hitches delve in to extensive research and development and re-introduced in the market with new looks. The main reason why Nokia lagged behind was the stubbornness of the brand to diversify and high pricing.
Initially Nokia used to sell the mobile phone brands like 1100, 3310, 3315, 2300, 2600 in the price band of 5000 to 10000/-. However, after fifteen years one can have much better mobile phones in the same price range.
The pricing apart from technology was another reason for Nokia’s decline. With the advent of low cost smart phone, Nokia had lost the race as a result of which it had no place to go then to close down its business.
Hence the pioneer of Nokia mobile phones in the world died due to its own stubbornness.
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