How to Prepare a Business Emergency Plan?

How to Prepare a Business Emergency Plan

If there’s something you can’t really plan when it comes to running a business, it’s emergencies. You just can’t see them coming and there’s usually nothing you can do to stop them completely. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything you can to ensure there’s a plan for every type of emergency that can occur. Not only can this help you keep your business afloat but it also reduces potential damage and saves you money. With that said, let’s take a close look at how to prepare a business emergency plan.

Identify the threats

In order to make your emergency plan effective, you first need to figure out what type of emergency can occur and hurt your business. Think about your operations and whether there’s something involved with your work that can end up hurting you or your team members. Another important thing is to pay some attention to the area you’re based in and identify potential natural disasters that can put your operations on pause. Still, these aren’t the only emergencies you might eventually face. Emergencies also include everything from employee theft to having your company’s reputation ruined. Figure out what can happen to your business and designing your plan will be easier.

Have a coordinator

The biggest problem with emergencies is that it usually leaves employees in panic. Even when there’s a well-designed emergency plan, they simply don’t know what they’re supposed to do and in which order. This is why it’s important to designate a coordinator who’ll be in charge once something unexpected happens. Your coordinator can take a course and ensure they know how to keep things under control even in the case of an emergency. Once you choose your coordinator, it’s important to let everyone in the company know they’re in charge when an emergency occurs.

Know how to find help

No matter what type of emergency we’re talking about, there’s usually not much you can do until professionals arrive. The sooner you contact them, the sooner they’ll be able to help you with the problem you have. Therefore, it’s recommended that you keep a list of professionals who can help you in situations like this and ensure everyone knows who to turn to. For example, this list should include a good emergency electrician who’s available 24/7. You also need numbers of animal control, tow truck, nearby hospitals, and even the coast guard if you’re located on a shoreline.

Create a plan

The next important step to take is to actually create a plan that’ll provide everyone in the business with instructions on what they should do in case of an emergency. For example, if your brand suddenly gets bad publicity, your team members should know who’s in charge of speaking to the media about it and how to handle it. Moreover, some emergency plans you are obliged to create by the law. Every business needs to have a fire escape plan on every floor, allowing both employees and customers to find their way out in case of a fire.

Run tests

What good is an emergency plan if it designed poorly? Most companies don’t know how effective their plan is until something actually happens and it’s important to make sure this isn’t the case with your business. Conducting emergency drills from time to time doesn’t only put your plan to test but also helps you and your team prepare for real-life emergencies. When it comes to safety drills, there’s usually a number of these you have to conduct every year.

Having a plan in place is the best way to ensure the emergency doesn’t hurt your business and prevent you from operating. Follow the steps given above and everyone in your business will know exactly what to do in situations like this.

About Author: Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to latest business technologies and social media. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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