5 Effective Strategies to Make Digital Learning Work

5 Effective Strategies to Make Digital Learning Work

Digital Learning is the need of the hour and organizations are increasingly relying on it for enhancing their workforce productivity. With the easy availability of online courses and other digital tools, employees and managers across multiple locations can be trained at the same time that saves a lot of time and money of the companies.

However, it takes a lot more than just a library full of content on the company server. Do not just pounce on the digital learning opportunity because you’re fathomed about its many benefits. Before making any digital learning initiative, have a look at these 5 strategies to maximize its effectiveness.

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Employ a learner-centered design

Think well about the extent and scope of its benefits – would learners benefit from a once-a- month online class? Whether you should employ a virtual lunch-and- learn program?  HR professionals and managers must look for ways to make learning initiatives a part of the employees’ routines and technology and not just a monthly or quarterly schedule.

List out support from C-suite

To make your learning initiatives effective and fruitful, you need complete support of upper management. Convince your seniors and involve them you’re your initiative. Make them understand that the time they’d spend on training will lead to new skills making employees more efficient and productive in the long run.

Turn Leaders into Tutors

The various concepts and behaviors of leadership should be reinforced in the organization. Although, managers would need support and tools to become effective tutors and coaches while sharing what they’re learning.

Keep Patience

Effective learning takes time to show its outcome.  Whatever lessons employees learn from a webinar or in a training session, they must be practiced and refined over time.

Don’t Forget to Measure

“What gets measured gets done”. Keep a track of all the learning activities that are being organized as a part of your e-learning initiative. This will help you track the performance of your leaders and employees as well as help you in improving your strategies for future. Metrics such as participation and results should be developed during the design of the next learning initiative.

Keep Learning, and keep growing!!!

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Joe David

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