There are 2 types of main functions of Human Resource Management:
1. Managerial functions which include
(a) Planning
- Establishing goals and objectives to be achieved.
- Developing rules and procedures.
- Determining plans and forecasting techniques.
- HR outsourcing.
(b) Organizing
- Assigning each member specific tasks.
- Establishing departments and divisions.
- Delegating authority to the members.
- Establishing channels of authority and communication.
- Creating a system to coordinate the works of the members.
(c) Staffing
- Determining the type of people to be hired.
- Compensating the employees.
- Setting performance standards, measuring and evaluating the employees
- Counselling the employees.
- Recruiting prospective employees and selecting the best ones.
- HR metrics is to indicate current position and performance of the organization.
(d) Direction
- Getting work done through subordinates so as to meet the organisation’s goals and objectives.
- Ensuring effective two-way communication for the exchange of information with the subordinates.
- Motivating subordinates to strive for better performance.
- Maintaining the group morale by way of fair treatment among employees, being ethical and generous towards employees, management being loyal to its employees and giving priority to employee concerns.
(e) Controlling
- Establishment of standard performance so as to measure the actual performance of the employees by conducting performance evaluation for appraisals.
- Measurement of actual performance with the established performance standards of employees for finding out gaps in employee performance.
- Comparison of actual performance with the standard one to find the deviation for initiation of corrective actions, if there are any deviations. Corrective actions include giving proper and suitable training to such employees or withholding of increments in payments until performance gaps are none.
- Demotion of employee, suspension and discharge from job is initiated when serious deviations are identified.
2. Operative functions which include
(a) Procurement
- Job analysis.
- Job design.
- Recruitment and selection.
- Human Resource Planning (HRP) may be defined as strategy for acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation of the human resources of an enterprise.
- Induction and orientation.
- Socialization.
(b) Development
- Career planning and career development.
- Executive development.
- Employee training and development.
- Overall development of organization.
(c) Compensation
- Job evaluation.
- Performance evaluation or performance appraisal.
- Wages or salary administration.
- Employee rewards, perks and benefits.
(d) Maintenance
- Employee well-being.
- Social security for employees.
- Participation of workers in management of industries.
- Providing good work- life balance .
- Maintaining HR records.
- Implementation of Human Resource information system.
(e) Motivation
- Job security & stability.
- Financial compensation.
- Work appreciation by employer.
- Interesting work.
- Good & healthy relationship with colleagues and superiors.
- Learning & training opportunities.
- Career development.
- Financial stability of employer.
- Job rotation.
(f) Integration
- Industrial relations.
- Employee Discipline.
- Grievance redressed.
- Dispute settlement.
- Being a spokesman of employees and organization.
- Resolving conflicts among employees.
- Prevention and dealing with sexual harassment.